How To Sculpt And Lift Your Cheeks Using Face Yoga

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If you'd try anything except a facelift to look younger, Face Yoga may be right up your alley. Yoga teacher Annelise Hagen, author of The Yoga Face, demonstrates simple moves that she says will sculpt and lift your cheeks and keep you younger looking.
Did you know that you can keep the muscles in your cheeks firm and younger-looking through face yoga? Here are some exercises you can use to tone your cheeks and keep them from drooping.

These exercises concentrate on the following sets of muscles: * The risorius and zygomaticus, which run along the cheek bone area. * The buccinators, which form the apple of the cheek.

The Satchmo * Inhale, hold your breath, and alternately puff your breath back and forth from cheek to cheek, puffing out each cheek as you do so. * Repeat until you run out of breath, and then exhale through your mouth.

The Marionette * Wrinkle your nose up and down, the way that a bunny would. * Place your index fingers in the crease on either side of your nose. Apply pressure to create resistance as you move your nose up and down. * Do not move your eyebrows. * It may be helpful to try to smile as you do the exercise. * Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

The Prom Queen * Stretch the corners of your mouth toward your ears with a slightly upward smile as though you are laughing out loud. * Widening your eyes will help with the exercise and can also help prevent eye creases. * You should feel a stretch in your lips toward your ears. * Hold the stretch for five to ten seconds.

Smiling Fish Face * Suck in your cheeks and pucker your lips to imitate a fish face. * Try to smile simultaneously as you hold the fish face

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