The lowdown on wrinkles

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What can be a more refreshing way to relieve one’s self of the daily grind of work than to go out to the beach and stay in the sun….but wait till you hear the lowdown on wrinkles.

It is a fact that skin ages, as much as our physical appearance and it does that all over our body, especially on parts of the skin that is most often exposed to the sun.

These ageing come in the form of changes brought on by sun damage called photoaging, characterized by dryness or roughness, sagginess, skin growths called ‘liver spots’ or keratoses and – commonly – wrinkles.

There are two categories for wrinkles, which involves two varying degrees of wrinkle development, which are fine surface lines and deep skin furrows, for which common and general wrinkle treatments are more effective for the former, but the latter would require more aggressive treatments like long-term dermatological or plastic surgery.

Among the primary factors that contribute to skin wrinkles are smoking, which dries out the skin since it reduces moisture; skin type as well, since people with light-colored skin and blue eyes are susceptible to sun damage; hereditary peculiarities since there are family lines that are more prone to skin wrinkles; hairstyle, which obviously depends on how much skin is covered by the hair and protected from the sun; dress style, since this will also determine how much skin is covered or left exposed to the sun; and finally, recreational and occupational sun exposure that may spans over a period of years.

Currently, there are a lot of treatments available in the market today, both over the counter and prescription treatments, among them, Vitamin A acid, alpha hydroxy acids, antioxidants and moisturizers.

These treatment methods also include cosmetic procedures like glycolic acid peels deep
peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, surgical procedures and the ever popular Botox.

There is a popular belief that chronic stress can be a cause of aging in people, thus, the appearance of skin wrinkles, but most of these evidences are not specifically based on scientific findings, rather, more on people’s observations and perceptions.

There is, however, a little-known yet significant study back in 2004 that established the link between between chronic stress and aging.

The study revealed that telomeres, these are structures located at the end of chromosomes that6 shorten with aging, also tend to shorten prematurely in subjects that are subjected to long-term psychological stress, resulting to prematurely ‘aging’ cells.

Although the results of this study shows a link between cellular aging and stress, the direct relationship of stress on aging is far complex and has not yet been fully understood nor backed with incontrovertible findings.
However, it could still be considered an ounce of prevention to keep stress at bay, since it can indeed have adverse effects on physical and emotional health.

Anybody concerned about getting wrinkles or other signs of aging should still be advised to practice a healthy and, better, a stress-free lifestyle or if not possible, even just keeping stress levels under control.

Finally, exposure to ultraviolet light, whether UVA or UVB, from sunlight accounts for most symptoms of premature skin aging, especially since most of the photoaging effects occur by the late teenage years around 19-20 years and so on.

Thus, the amount of damage to the skin, especially the presence of wrinkles is determined by the total lifetime of exposure to radiation and the person’s pigment protection.

These may be the lowdown on wrinkles, but don’t be anxious, with all the tips and treatments available everywhere, there’s no need to hide and fear wrinkles.

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Over the Counter Wrinkle Removers

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There are different ways of dealing with wrinkles. You can choose to undergo a procedure or apply something to the affected area. Over the counter wrinkle removers are very much in demand because they are affordable. To give you an idea, here are the things you can get the next time you head on over to the drug store.

First are alpha hydroxyl acids or AHA. These products are water soluble and one example is Glycolic acid cream that helps remove hyper pigmentations and helps with photo damage, thickening of the dermal collagen and increase cellular turnover.

AHA’s contain lactic acids and when you buy this from the store, you should get the kind that has higher concentrations as lower ones cause irritation.

Next there is betahydroxy acids or BHA. These are lipid soluble. Most of the products in the market are exfoliants, anti-inflammatory and comedolytic. These are sold by some of the most popular names in the business and often recommended by dermatologists.

Combination hydroxy acids or CHA have both the ingredients of AHA and BHA. Don’t think that buying the first two products and then mixing it together will have the same effect because it won’t as each has its own pH level.

There are also products that have enzymes. The nice thing about it is that these are not irritating and it only digests the dead skin layer. It also stimulates cell turnover and allows other products to penetrate the skin. Two of the most common happen to be fruits namely papaya and pineapple.

Then there are the topical products. These are available in vitamin A, C and E and purchased in the form of creams and lotions. Vitamin A for instance reduces and eliminates wrinkles by breaking down the free radicals in the body. Vitamins C and E on the other hand are antioxidants and also does the same thing.

Something that can work with Vitamin C and E are alpha lipioc acids because it is also an anti-oxidant. It works by penetrating the cell membrane to eliminate free radicals that have already been broken down.

To find the best over the counter wrinkle remover takes time. This is because you have to compare how one does over the other. To help you out, you can try visiting various websites that have gathered all the information you need such as the price, its effectiveness, quality and wrinkle cream ratings. With this information, you will be able to find the right one for you to use.

Some people who are skeptic about this online information say that one brand is said to be better than the other because he or she was paid to make it look that way. In the end, you have to try it out to see who is telling the truth. If you are able to find something that works, why change it? You should just stick with what you have until something better and more affordable comes along.

None of the over the counter wrinkle removers will perform a miracle overnight. You will have to use it consistently for days or even weeks before you see any results because again, these wrinkles occurred over time. Whatever you use, make sure that you only use the kind that is of good quality with the right combination of vitamins and nutrients.

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