How To Reduce Forehead Wrinkles With Face Yoga

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To botox or not to botox, that is the question. The answer? No botox, if face yoga techniques demonstrated by author and yoga teacher Annelise Hagen can work for you.
If Botox is not for you, then face yoga might be a good alternative to help reduce wrinkles. Face yoga a system of stretching and working face muscles to create a more youthful appearance: * Using the same basic principles of movement and exercise, when a muscle is contracted and released it will get stronger. * It has been shown that when a muscle is repetitively worked that the production of collagen is prolonged. * Collagen and elastin are those connective fibers that help the skin stay resilient. * Facial movement does not cause wrinkles but rather scowling, puckering and unconscious habits.

The Lion Face * The lion face is derived from Yoga and helps tone all the muscles of the face and releases stress. * To practice the lion face simply take a deep breath in and scowl and pucker up everything on your face and then exhale and release, sticking out your tongue like a lion yawning.

Forehead * The forehead muscle is a rather large muscle called the Frontalis. * A simple exercise of raising and lowering your eyebrows can be used to help reduce wrinkles in your forehead. * To do this exercise just place your fingertips on the outer edges of your forehead and apply pressure while raising and lowering your eyebrows.

Eyebrow Crease * To help reduce the wrinkling between the eyebrows you simply need to make the scowl so the wrinkle is present, then place your index fingers in the middle of each eyebrow and pull out, away from the face. Hold it for about 5 seconds. * All of these exercises are aimed at increasing circulation. * With continuous practice you can see results in 3-4 weeks.

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