What Causes Wrinkles The Question Every Older Woman Wants Answered

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What causes wrinkles? It's a question that comes to the mind of almost every woman as she gets older. Gradually those wrinkles form on the face. There's the crows feet, the fine lines around the eyes and the mouth, the sagging skin.

And her skin just doesn't look like it used to. Wehn she was young there were no wrinkles on her face, and if she pinched some skin, any skin, not just on her face, and pulled it snapped back into place.

Now try the skin pinch test and it just doesn't seem to snap like it used to. It sags more than snaps. What causes wrinkles is a question so many women want answered. And not just what causes wrinkles, but what cures wrinkles. And which are the best anti wrinkle creams.

Put simply, age and lifestyle causes wrinkles. Both are related, but both are independent. Lets look at what lifestyle does to cause wrinkles.

There are a number of things that the experts tell us we need to do to be healthy. You know the ones. Good diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, lots of anti oxidants from the right foods, plenty of exercise. You've seen it all before.

Unfortunately all that advice applies to wrinkles, or more generally applies to our skin. If we are unhealthy, because we've failed to follow the advice about staying healthy, then our skin is unhealthy. It's all connected. As our bodies become unhealthy our skin is too, because it's just another organ in our body. You can't be fat, unfit, with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and expect your skin to glow with health and look like you're twenty years younger.

Sorry for the bad news. And the same goes for exercise. Exercise is good for us generally, and good for our skin. If we exercise we make our blood circulate well, and good blood circulation is essential for great skin health. And poor skin health will contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

And there are 2 more lifestyle factors that contribute to poor skin health, poor general health, and the formation of early signs of skin aging like wrinkles. Smoking, and sunburn. Do either, or both, of these things and you've damaged your skin, and this will also contribute to early formation of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. Like age spots for example.

But even with attention to great overall health we still can't avoid skin aging. As we age our skin loses some of it's essential components, like collagen, elastin and skin thickness. This is all a normal function of skin aging, and you can't stop it happening. But you can do something about it.

So, what causes wrinkles? All the above. What do you do about those wrinkles? Well if your not living a healthy lifestyle you need to think about changing. It will do your overall health good, start improving your skin health, and it will make a difference.

And you need to start using high quality skin care products and anti aging products as well. A change of lifestyle is great, and will help, but is not enough on it's own. Using the best anti aging products that science can make is essential to managing those wrinkles. The best anti wrinkle creams and anti aging products really do work.

Unfortunately the best anti wrinkle creams aren't those you see on the shelves. Those products are made to sell, not work well, and the cost of the ingredients is kept to a minumum because the big brand name skincare companies spend so much on TV advertising they don't have much budget for product quality.

The best anti wrinkle creams and anti aging products are actually made by small niche skin care companies, one in particular. Because they can't advertise on TV because they don't have the budget they compete by making the best products possible, and compete on product quality. Once they get a customer they usually have a customer for life. That's how they sell their products.

So for those asking "What Causes wrinkles", there's the answer. It's a little bit of life, and you can do something about it. Make some lifestyle changes, and use the best high quality wrinkle creams and other skin care products available, and you will see a difference. It's never too late to make a difference. Get out there and do something about those wrinkles.

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